People do not realize this but every conventional Marketplace in Solana charges for listing, which is a hidden cost (listing fee). These fees are not up to the Marketplace, but it is due to how Solana work as a Blockchain. Some of you might have known it as Minimum Rent Exemption Fee. It is a small price to be paid to rent the address where the NFT will stay, until it get transferred to another wallet.
As a user (seller) we do not feel this amount, due to how small it is. as shown below.
These charges range from 0.00145 Sol to 0.00372 Sol which is equivalent too $0.27 to $0.69 per transaction. Nevertheless if we list more than 100 NFTs at a time we will definitely notice the charges. This will be between 0.145 to 0.372 Sol or $27 to $69.
Why the big difference in the rent cost you might ask? It all depends on each marketplace internal code logic.
Whereas in Artz:
We don’t have listing fees in we are the first decentralized Marketplace in Solana to go live and since we don’t do escrow for your NFT when you list it. Therefore we don’t need the minimum rent exemption. That is the beauty of the Auction house code written by Jordan based on the Stateless Asks code written by Jarry Xiao.
In we show all the transaction that will happen in the blockchain, the user will only pay what he sees at first when he click List NFT, Buy Now or Make offer.
The only fees Artz will charge is the 2% from the seller when the Buy happen.
So welcome to “Artz” the NFT Marketplace of the Future in Solana